=== Simple Custom CSS === Contributors: johnregan3, dvankooten Donate Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=BAG2XC69ZYADQ Tags: css, styles, custom css, custom Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.4.1 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add Custom CSS to your WordPress site without any hassles. == Description == An easy-to-use WordPress Plugin to add custom CSS styles that override Plugin and Theme default styles. This plugin is designed to meet the needs of administrators who would like to add their own CSS to their WordPress website. **New in Version 3.3** - Added support for https:// - Added base support for Danish language. Thanks @ThomasDK81! - Tested for compatibility with WP version 4.4.1 **Features** - Active Plugin Support - Useful Code Syntax Highlighter - No configuration needed - Simple interface built on WordPress UI - Virtually no impact on site performance - No complicated database queries - Thorough documentation - Allows Administrator access on Multisite == Installation == Install Simple Custom CSS just as you would any other WP Plugin: 1. [Download Simple Custom CSS](http://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css "Simple Custom CSS") from WordPress.org. 2. Unzip the .zip file. 3. Upload the Plugin folder (simple-custom-css/) to the wp-content/plugins folder. 4. Go to [Plugins Admin Panel](http://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Panels#Plugins "Plugins Admin Panel") and find the newly uploaded Plugin, "Simple Custom CSS" in the list. 5. Click Activate Plugin to activate it. 6. Begin using the plugin by going to Appearance > Custom CSS in the Admin Menu. [More help installing Plugins](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins "WordPress Codex: Installing Plugins") == Frequently Asked Questions == = Will this Plugin work on my WordPress.com website? = Sorry, this plugin is available for use only on self-hosted (WordPress.org) websites. = My Custom CSS isn't showing up = There are several reasons this could be happening: * Your CSS is targeting the wrong selector. * Your CSS selectors aren't specific enough. For instance, you may have: a { color: #f00; } When you need: #content a { color: #f00; } The specificity you need depends upon the CSS rules you are attempting to override. * Your CSS isn't valid. Please check your CSS at the [W3C CSS Validation Service](http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_input+with_options" "W3C CSS Validation Service"). == Screenshots == 1. The Simple Custom CSS Administration Screen == Changelog == = 3.3 = * Added support for https:// * Added base support for Danish language. Thanks @ThomasDK81! * Tested for compatibility with WP version 4.4.1 = 3.2 = * Tested for compatibility with WP 4.1 * Improved architecture to reduce the number of queries (Thanks, @dvankooten!) = 3.0.1 = * Tested for compatibility with WP 3.9.1 * Sidebar "Update CSS" button added = 3.0 = * Added Sytnax Highlighter * Removed Need for "Allow Quotation Marks" checkbox * Removed plugin attribution text * Allow Administrator access on multisite * Minor styling changes. Thanks @kucrut! = 2.5 = * Fixed issue with WP installs in subdirectories. Thanks @lopo! * Tested for compatibility with WP 3.8.1 = 2.0 = * Added option to allow Double Quotes in CSS * Tested for compatibility with WP 3.8 = 1.2.1 = * Tested for compatibility with WP 3.7.1 * Code update to conform fully with WP coding standards. = 1.2 = * Give Admins (not just Super Admins) access to the plugin * Correcting Credit error * Minor Bugfixes = 1.1.1 = * Allowing the ">" direct child selector. = 1.1 = * Removed unneeded hidden input * Added Action Hooks * Added cleanup on deletion * Added author attribution option * Added a more elegant method for adding CSS to the page: Instead of using print_scripts to insert the CSS directly into the HEAD, CSS styles are generated within simple-custom-css.php (the sole file for this plugin), then added via wp_enqueue_scripts, so now it will appear in the HEAD as: ...even though no css file is actually generated. Please see the comments within the Plugin file for more detailed information. = 1.0 = * Inital Release == Upgrade Notice == = 3.3 = Tested for compatibility with WP 4.4.1. Added support for http://. = 3.2 = Tested for compatibility with WP 4.1. Improved architecture to reduce the number of queries = 3.0.1 = Tested for compatibility with WP 3.9.1. Sidebar "Update CSS" button added. = 3.0 = Added new Syntax highlighter, removed attribution text and need for "Allow Quotation Marks" option. = 2.5 = Fixed issue with WP installs in subdirectories. Thanks @lopo! = 2.0 = Now SCCSS gives you the option to allow Double Quotes! = 1.2.1 = Compatibility with WP 3.7.1, code update to conform with WP coding standards. = 1.2 = Give Admins (not just Super Admins) access to the plugin & Correcting Credit error. = 1.1.1 = Allowing the ">" direct child selector. = 1.1 = Changed method for inserting CSS, added support for cleanup on deletion, other minor changes. = 1.0 = Inital Release